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Forest Trees


Check out the cool news on Green Kids!

Stop Number Three - Music by the Marsh

Learn how to be a friend to frogs with Croakinole and Croakette.

Performed by Mario and Brittany Lagassé


We had an exciting weekend at



Sunday, May 26, 2 - 4 PM, 2024

Assiniboine Park


Green Action Centre and Green Kids produced a full-filled afternoon of theater in the park! This free event included a bike ride on a predetermined route to watch and participate in some local music and theatre performances. This event required a bike or something to roll with, such as a scooter.


Stop Number One - Bike and Pedestrian Safety Station

Practice your cycling skills and etiquette in our mini neighbourhood.

But watch out for surprises!

Crossing Guard and Meteorologist played by Emily Jane King


Stop Number Two - Music in the Trees

Local singer/songwriter and wildlife biologist performs music about nature, in nature.

The Environmental Musician is Emily Thoroski


Stop Number Four - It's a Juggle Out There

Find your balance as you learn some juggling tricks of the trade.

Jungle Juggler played by Duncan Cox


The Dance Current Photos.JPG

How this Winnipeg Performance Went Almost Completely Carbon Neutral

The Dance Current, Published July 14, 2022

by Haley Pauls


An exciting article that features our Bike and Circuses show. 


Bike and Circuses, presented by Green Kids Inc., addressed climate change not only in performance content but also in its creation process

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Spirit Award Finalist video.

Green Kids Inc. was one of three businesses nominated for the Environment and Energy category for our 12th Annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards.

Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce Spirit Award Finalist video.

Green Kids Inc. was one of three businesses nominated for the Environment and Energy category for our 12th Annual Spirit of Winnipeg Awards.

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In Focus - U Multicultural

March, 2021 - Multicultural Channel

In this episode of In Focus by U Multicultural, Mark Aaron interviews Green Kids Inc. about how they play to change young people’s minds at an early age about the environment and how they are the future of the earth keep it safe. Their mission is to educate children and teachers on environmental issues and to inspire them to take positive action towards protecting our environment. 


Le théâtre au secours de la planète

June 26th, 2020- Radio Canada

Que ce soit en plein air ou en salle de classe, les jeunes sont attentifs quand les membres de la troupe Green Kids Inc. leur exposent les risques qui guettent notre planète. L'organisme à but non lucratif est basé à Winnipeg. Gino Harel s'y est rendu pour assister à l'une de leurs présentations dans une école....




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