Free Resources
We produce a study guide to accompany each production. Designed for educators to delve deeper into the material presented in the play, the guides are comprised of lesson plans, activities and games for the students, as well as background information and facts for the teachers.
Study Guides

v.s {Insert Your School Here}
The Landfill Mutant vs. <Insert Your School Here> is a hilarious and perilous play written for grade 5-7 classrooms to produce and perform for their communities. The play comes with 4 support booklets: a Study Guide and Director’s Guide for the teachers and a Research Manual and Design Guide for the students.

Online Resources
Environmental Resources for the Classroom
A Kid's Guide to Reducing, Reusing & Recycling Waste
Climate Solutions
SEEDS Connections
Recycling Glass, Plastic, Metal & More
Environmental Sites for Kids
Our Partners in Environmental Education
West Interlake Watershed Conservation District
Organisations We Love
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
For a Healthier Planet

School Resource Videos